Wednesday, May 15, 2019

June Ikebana workshop at NC Japan Center  6月の池坊いけばなクラスのお知らせ

Class Date and time: Friday June 7, 2019 10am-Noon
Class fee: $30 (includes flowers materials)
What to bring: Pen and notebook, 5gal bucket and a hand towel
Where: NC Japan Center (705 Barbour Dr. Raleigh, NC 27603)
For participating: Need an appointment with the instructor by emailing;

May: Daruma Club 5月のだるまクラブのお知らせ

5月のだるま倶楽部は28 火曜日に行う予定です。
NC 日本センターの日本語講師がお手伝いいたしますので、
May 28, 2019 ( 1-3 pm) Daruma Club at NC Japan Center.
Please enjoy the conversation with our Japanese Teacher. 
We are looking forward to seeing you !