Friday, February 23, 2018

Special Japanese Class for EXploris Middle School

Eight students and three teachers(including the principal) from Exploris Middle School took a special five-day Japanese class at Japan Center. In March, they will spend 10 days in Hiroshima as part of the exchange program between their school and Shinonome Junior High School attached to Hiroshima University.They have also acquired manners ,learned about the culture specific to Japan and are all set to go with big smiles.
3月に広島大学付属東雲中学校に10日間生徒交流をする予定のEXploris Middle School の生徒さん8名と先生方3名(校長先生も含む)がNC Japan Center で特別5日間の日本語コースを受けました。日本でのマナーや文化も身につけ、日本に行く準備万端整った笑顔を見せてくれました。