Style Sketch Workshop -
Join us for a Manga style sketching workshop. Turn yourself into any
cartoon character you can imagine like a ninja, mecha pilot, adventurer, or
fairy mermaid princess. Explore distant lands or even outer space. Discover
Yokai, the fantastic creatures of Japanese mythology. Get some pointers on
drawing dragons. All skill levels are welcomed as instructor can adjust and
tailor the sketching exercises for each student. Typically instructor will draw
a cartoon portrait of each attending student as a demo and example, and
students are encouraged to design a second version of their own. Alternatively
they are welcome to use my design, and start creating some comics with them.
Other activities include "Challenge" exercises, where a student gets
a partial drawing or layout and they have to complete it".
NC ジャパンセンターではアルベルト・ロン氏を講師に招き,漫画スケッチ教室を
日時 : 5月14日(土曜日)午後2-5時
場所 : NC ジャパンセンター
参加費 : $20 (材料費含む)
定員 : 15名
持ち物 : 紙,スケッチ用鉛筆,消しゴムはJapan Center にて用意いたしますが,
申し込み:電話919-515-3450またはe-mail にてジャパンセンター (長曽我部)までご連絡ください。